Below are some sources of information that might be helpful if you are not ready to start counseling, or if you would just like a bit more information to aid in your counseling journey.
What is EFT? - An explanation on what Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is and how it could help your relationship
Dr. Sue Johnson's blog - Dr. Johnson is a leader in the field of couples therapy. She has also written two books (Love Sense, Hold Me Tight) that will help to give you information on how to repair relationships or how to maintain the good ones you have.
How the brain works
Dr. Dan Siegel's website - Dr. Siegel is a pioneer in the field of Interpersonal Neurobiology which is the study of how our brain's structure affects relationships.
Mindfulness - A nonprofit that produces a website and magazine that is "the place to go for insight, information, and inspiration to help us all live more mindfully." - A non-profit that helps beginners start meditating.
Other Counseling Options
The right fit with your counselor is important to your progress. If you determine that I am not the right counselor for you, perhaps some of these resources will help you to find the right fit.
Portland Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy Search
Portland Therapy Center Therapist Search
Low cost counseling:
PSU Community Counseling Clinic
William Temple House
Lutheran Community Services Northwest